Sunday, September 26, 2010

Latin American images in France and Turkey

Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg, France
record shop, Istanbul
Istanbul storefront
mural on the front of a hostel, Istanbul

Encoding and Decoding Anti-Immigrant Sentiments

In my paper, I employ Stuart Hall’s theories of encoding and decoding to analyze a 2007 clip of Glenn Beck speaking about Mexican immigration to the United States. I evaluate his communication from the encoding and decoding of meaning structures to possible positions one might take in decoding these messages, based on those hypothesized by Hall. Ultimately, I argue that by “naturalizing” and tapping into hegemonic discourse on racism, xenophobia, and nationalism, Beck contributes to the adoption of this kind of speech by anti-immigration activists.

The Glenn Beck video can be seen here. My analysis is based on the first three minutes and 49 seconds of the clip.

Beck's rhetoric is reflected in numerous signs from anti-immigrant rallies; here are just a few examples:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Panopticism and the Museo Nacional de Antropología

I. Panopticon in Design: Layout of the museum
Detail of the central tower in MNA. 

MNA from the entrance - note tower in center of building with
floorplan that surrounds that tower. 

MNA floorplan  shows tower in center and segments of exhibits. 

II. Docile Bodies: Indigenous women at work

III. Anthropticon: State-sanctioned observation and discipline

Moisés Sáenz bridged anthropology and institutional education